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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Teaching Of Monk Ji Gong

Destiny in life is fainted, seeking for what?
What happens tomorrow will never be known to-day, pondering for what?
Not respecting the parents but respecting only the Buddha, respecting for what?
Brethrens and sisters are from the same breathe, fighting for what?
Children and grandchildren will have their own bliss, worrying for what?
Everymen has his day, hurrying for what?
Its a rare occasion in life that one can heartily laughs, depressing for what?
Patching up the openings to avoid the chill is adequate, extravagancy for what?
Its only a matter of passing through the three-inch passage way, craving for what?
Not a penny can be taken away upon death, stingy for what?
Land of predecessors shall be occupied by descendents, preoccupying for what?
You win some and you will lose some, greedy for what?
Deities are three feet above the head, cheating for what?
Wealth and nobility is like a mirage, exaggerating for what?
If you had not acquired the merits in the past life, you have to suffer in the present one, grumbling for what?
Gambling is without an end, gambling for what?
Administering the home diligently is better than seeking help from others, lavishing for what?
There is no end to revenge, grudging for what?
Life is like a game of chess, calculating for what?
Intelligence can be defeated by being intelligent, boasting for what?
When all lies end shall bliss takeover, lying for what?
The truth will prevail at the end, arguing for what?
Who can warrant that nothing happens, sarcastic for what?
Peace is withing a person and not at the grave, conspiring for what?
Taking advantage of others create the seed for disaster, helping others create the seed of bliss, forecasting for what?
Once the unexpected takes place everything will come to a halt, hurrying for what?

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