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Saturday, March 28, 2009


im sorry for the late posting these days. bcos just started coll. so kinda busy & gettting use to with the times..

3/28/09 - is my 1st day.. i set alarm 6.50am.. woke up. took shower. get dress & prepared everything. kinda nervous also la. being in a new surrounding. & after left school for 3 months. now getting back to studies.
at 8 plus i left hse. heading to damansara bcos it takes about 40-45mins to reach my coll. my class started at 9.
when i reached there. went up to 2nd floor. took my notes.. then went into the dewan.. i dunno anyone there. felt so lost. sighs.. everyone is like elder than me. mostly around 20's-30's..
at 10.30am i'll have briefing for the new students. there are 5 new students including me. but im the youngest one there. then i saw a girl came in the dewan. she looks like about my age. i thought maybe she's new too. but when she sat, she started talking talking to everyone. umm..i guess im wrong then. she's not new. she's more senior than me..
my 1st class is Business Law. adui...pening la. the lecturer lecturing in front there but dont make any sense to me. haha.. i need some time la..
at 10am the lecturer gave us about 15 minutes break. can go upstairs to have coffee or tea & some biscuit.. i brought bread so i ate my bread. at there i meet new friends.=) hehe.. ok laa.. they are friendly..nice ppl... from there afterwards i went for my briefing. until 12. at 12 business law class ends. from 12 till 1 is lunch break.
at 1.30pm is Pendidikan Moral. umm..moral ok. in school also had moral. but coll moral better la. school moral have to remember so many nilai. haha..
i finish coll at 4.30pm.. & its raining heavily at that time. my dad came & fetch me. he's hungry.. so we went sg.buloh & had bak kut teh. then straight away went back malacca.


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