Lyrics Quote Graphics

Monday, March 30, 2009


today.. im had driving lesson. uncle cheng is coming to fetch me about 6.40am like that. but i woke up at! i saw the time. i quickly woke up then went upstairs to shower. i slept on the cushion too last night. luckily i manage get ready in time. bcos i also dont like if ppl waiting outside there for me. not nice laa.. & somemore 7am is confirm jammed outside there. so okk..
uncle came & fetch me in time also. we are going to shah alam for practice today. so we use the kesas way. just after summit when he turn left. then he stop aside. asked me to drive. hehe.. so i drove all the way to shah alam. at there we did the naik bukit 1st.. then the parking.. after that the three point turn. then again...did it about 3 times, i guess.. hands are tired la. have to turn so much. a while left. then a while right. somemore have to make full turn the stering. hehe..
umm.. did it about 3 times d. he taught me the exam road route. he told me on the exam day. u have to remember everything. where to turn.. where to go. the JPJ wont tell anything. sighs.. so did the same route over & over again. when out & came back. then when out again. about 2 times..
after that enough. lets go out. go back.. as usual the uncle, lets go have breakfast. hehe.. ok laa.. this time i have wan tan mee. & coke.. so tired.. so i wanted something cold. after makan makan then i drove back home.=)


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