Lyrics Quote Graphics

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


umm.. nothing much happen today. just did housework with mom. hehe.. kinda surprising doing housework eh. actually i can do wan la. just that see my mood lor.=)
then at night followed dad send sis to tuition. & pour diesel. i did it.. dad asked me to do wan. so i do lor. he told me to learn.


Monday, March 30, 2009


today.. im had driving lesson. uncle cheng is coming to fetch me about 6.40am like that. but i woke up at! i saw the time. i quickly woke up then went upstairs to shower. i slept on the cushion too last night. luckily i manage get ready in time. bcos i also dont like if ppl waiting outside there for me. not nice laa.. & somemore 7am is confirm jammed outside there. so okk..
uncle came & fetch me in time also. we are going to shah alam for practice today. so we use the kesas way. just after summit when he turn left. then he stop aside. asked me to drive. hehe.. so i drove all the way to shah alam. at there we did the naik bukit 1st.. then the parking.. after that the three point turn. then again...did it about 3 times, i guess.. hands are tired la. have to turn so much. a while left. then a while right. somemore have to make full turn the stering. hehe..
umm.. did it about 3 times d. he taught me the exam road route. he told me on the exam day. u have to remember everything. where to turn.. where to go. the JPJ wont tell anything. sighs.. so did the same route over & over again. when out & came back. then when out again. about 2 times..
after that enough. lets go out. go back.. as usual the uncle, lets go have breakfast. hehe.. ok laa.. this time i have wan tan mee. & coke.. so tired.. so i wanted something cold. after makan makan then i drove back home.=)


Sunday, March 29, 2009


last night..
reach malacca about 7 already. put down the stuff from the car. after that went temple. came home from temple about 10pm d. im so tired.. on the back malacca on the highway didnt sleep at all. so came home from temple took shower. took bolster & slept on the cushion in the hall. having headache somemore at that time. sighs.. hard to sleep also la. but still i have to sleep. in the morning 10am have to leave hse. bcos i have class at 1pm..

3/29/09 - im suppose to wake up early. i set alarm at 7.50am.. it rang then i change to 8.50am.. & i woke 9 something. haha.. when i saw the time. i jump out of the cushion went to bath already. im late...
bath.. get dress & everything d. my parents came back from b'fast. they bought back noodles from me. i was hungry too at that time. so came down.. ate the noodles but i didnt finish it also. just wake up. normal la..for me... when i just wake up i dont eat much wan.
at 10 something pack everything. put everything into the car. then mom drive back to KL.
we reach at 12. mom & sis had roti canai then straight away sent me to coll. today my class starts at 1pm.
im having Business Finance. ok la.. like accounts plus add maths bcos got lots of formulas.. hehe..


Saturday, March 28, 2009


im sorry for the late posting these days. bcos just started coll. so kinda busy & gettting use to with the times..

3/28/09 - is my 1st day.. i set alarm 6.50am.. woke up. took shower. get dress & prepared everything. kinda nervous also la. being in a new surrounding. & after left school for 3 months. now getting back to studies.
at 8 plus i left hse. heading to damansara bcos it takes about 40-45mins to reach my coll. my class started at 9.
when i reached there. went up to 2nd floor. took my notes.. then went into the dewan.. i dunno anyone there. felt so lost. sighs.. everyone is like elder than me. mostly around 20's-30's..
at 10.30am i'll have briefing for the new students. there are 5 new students including me. but im the youngest one there. then i saw a girl came in the dewan. she looks like about my age. i thought maybe she's new too. but when she sat, she started talking talking to everyone. umm..i guess im wrong then. she's not new. she's more senior than me..
my 1st class is Business Law. adui...pening la. the lecturer lecturing in front there but dont make any sense to me. haha.. i need some time la..
at 10am the lecturer gave us about 15 minutes break. can go upstairs to have coffee or tea & some biscuit.. i brought bread so i ate my bread. at there i meet new friends.=) hehe.. ok laa.. they are friendly..nice ppl... from there afterwards i went for my briefing. until 12. at 12 business law class ends. from 12 till 1 is lunch break.
at 1.30pm is Pendidikan Moral. umm..moral ok. in school also had moral. but coll moral better la. school moral have to remember so many nilai. haha..
i finish coll at 4.30pm.. & its raining heavily at that time. my dad came & fetch me. he's hungry.. so we went sg.buloh & had bak kut teh. then straight away went back malacca.


Friday, March 27, 2009


good morning...
im awake. up..bath & ready d. hehe.. waiting for uncle cheng.
umm.. we didnt went to shah alam. but did in TP only. from 7 to 9 only. going shah alam on monday. i did the naik bukit...three point turn. about 8.30 we went to a coffee shop for a drink.=) he asked me to eat laa.. i dont take breakfast wan le. so i just drank milo.
so much to turn. hehe.. my hands are little tired today. came back home. i golek golek & slept little while more. 11 plus only woke up.
my mom & my sis took bus back to malacca today. tomorrow after my class then me, my dad & esther going back. tomorrow will be my 1st class.=)
at 6.20 my darling msg me. im so happy... hehe.. so long didnt hear from him. i miss u so muchh... muacks.. he's going to church now.
at 11pm..i pack my stuff for tomorrow 1st day. kinda nervous also.. later need to take out what to wear. so long didnt go to school. now have to use to waking up early & stuff.. umm..i hope tomorrow will be a nice day.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


i just woke up from nap. slept not long about an hour only. its was raining so so heavily. sobs.. im so scare... actually i went to bed at 3. at that time the sky is already so so dark. then about half an hour later it starts pouring. with so loud thunders & lightning. i tried going back to sleep. but cannot.. sobs.. the thunders & lightnings is really scaring me. so i came down. about 4 i went back up to sleep. when its not so heavily raining.
umm.. tomorrow i'll be having driving lesson 7 to 10 in the morning. 3 hours.. longgg.. bcos im going to shah alam to drive naik bukit..parking..three point turn. umm.. hope i'll drive perfectly fine...


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When you can live forever what do you live for?


Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town on Forks, Washington, she didn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen. For Edward is nothing like any boy she's ever met. He's nothing like anyone she's ever met, period. He's intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance - unorthodox because Edward really isn't like the other boys. He can run faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands. Oh, and he hasn't aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he's immortal. That's right - vampire. But he doesn't have fangs - that's just in the movies. And he doesn't drink human blood.

The Teaching Of Monk Ji Gong

Destiny in life is fainted, seeking for what?
What happens tomorrow will never be known to-day, pondering for what?
Not respecting the parents but respecting only the Buddha, respecting for what?
Brethrens and sisters are from the same breathe, fighting for what?
Children and grandchildren will have their own bliss, worrying for what?
Everymen has his day, hurrying for what?
Its a rare occasion in life that one can heartily laughs, depressing for what?
Patching up the openings to avoid the chill is adequate, extravagancy for what?
Its only a matter of passing through the three-inch passage way, craving for what?
Not a penny can be taken away upon death, stingy for what?
Land of predecessors shall be occupied by descendents, preoccupying for what?
You win some and you will lose some, greedy for what?
Deities are three feet above the head, cheating for what?
Wealth and nobility is like a mirage, exaggerating for what?
If you had not acquired the merits in the past life, you have to suffer in the present one, grumbling for what?
Gambling is without an end, gambling for what?
Administering the home diligently is better than seeking help from others, lavishing for what?
There is no end to revenge, grudging for what?
Life is like a game of chess, calculating for what?
Intelligence can be defeated by being intelligent, boasting for what?
When all lies end shall bliss takeover, lying for what?
The truth will prevail at the end, arguing for what?
Who can warrant that nothing happens, sarcastic for what?
Peace is withing a person and not at the grave, conspiring for what?
Taking advantage of others create the seed for disaster, helping others create the seed of bliss, forecasting for what?
Once the unexpected takes place everything will come to a halt, hurrying for what?


mom finish painting the whole stairs already. from up till down & down till up.=) the stairs looks shiny now. hehe..
she didnt cook dinner today. so we'll be going out for dinner. but i havent think of what's for dinner. hmm...
today's theres nothing much to post. im sorry... so till here.
good nights..


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


good morning... i woke up at 10. its raining in the morning. it havent rain for quite some time.

today..i went to the institute to register. this saturday is my 1st day. & i got my timetable for my 1st semester.
came back home. my mommy wanna paint the stairs back. so i help her do the border. hehe.. & paste papers to WALK HERE arrow here arrow there. WALK AT YOUR OWN RISK. & DO NOT CROSS THE LINE! at 1st she wanna paint alternates the stairs. she asked me to try walking. aiks..cannot la. the steps so big. as it is d we all have to walk like sotong d. haha.. & she painted the stairs holders. so we can only not touch anything. maybe the wall.=)
after that i thought wanna go sleep. then mom ask me to prepare the chicken for dinner tonight. i did the chicken. but if tonight's chicken is tasteless dont blame me huh. haha..=)

at 10pm i follow my daddy went out makan. umm.. actually i feel like wanna makan too. but dinner time i ate so full d. the chicken is ok la. hehe.. bcos mom did tambah something after that. i dunno what. i took nap. & i did tambah nasi. so im full full.. went out with my daddy. i just drank plain water. & see him eating. & talk talk with him. gonna oin oin soon. good nights


Monday, March 23, 2009

I Miss You...

I want to be with you,
but your millions of miles away.
i wish you would call just to ask about my day.
it would make things so much better if i could hear you voice,
I guess i can't complain too much, after all this was my choice.
i wish i could hold you in my arms and look in to your eyes.
i promise i will always be true to you and never tell you lies.
its so hard to go to sleep without you by my side.
my tears are the only thing ill ever try to hide.
i lie awake in bed as the tears stream down my face, 
they keep going until the hit my pillow case.

I Miss You...



Sunday, March 22, 2009


how are u doing there? umm.. my mama, uncles, aunties & cousins put a night in my hse. its 0146 in the morning now. yeap.. im still awake.=) waiting to get comp actually. & i dont want to be late posting again.
later at 2pm to 4pm im having my 1st driving lesson. hehe.. but im quite nervous too le.

im slept in the hall. umm.. i went upstairs & took my bolster & came down to the cushion to sleep.. can laa.. sleep in the hall. rarely also i get peaceful sleep on the cushion. maybe bcos i have bolster.

then in the morning we went sungai buloh to have b'fast. after b'fast went back my hse. then my mama, uncles, aunties & cousins went back malacca.
not long after that. at 2 my driving lesson teacher.(uncle cheng) came & fetch me from my hse. hehe.. he tought my mommy too before. he drive to TP. tell me about how to get started..
1st-adjust the seat & step on the clutch
2nd-check the front & side mirrors
3rd-the seat belts
4th-check the gear..make sure its in free gear
5th-start the car..check the wiper & signal lights

umm.. he said that my 1st time driving is ok.=) hehe.. so i drive round..round & round... TP! but i dont really pay attention on where am i. just concentrating on the road & driving. then he ask me to drive to the main road. im driving around USJ then.. round..round... hehe..
when its almost 4 i drive back home. umm.. my 1st time driving back home.=) uncle told me to tell my mom dont worry. i can drive. only at the traffic weakness. haha.. yeah.. i told him myself too that. im most nervous when at the traffic light. other than that im ok. stering..gear.. all ok.. while driving also mati enjin once at the traffic light. USJ12 school there. after that ok d la. i can do better better more the next lesson.(this friday) i will...^^

when i came back home. everyone was sleeping. hehe.. im hungry.. ate maggi. sighs.. no more maggi for the week la. i been eating maggi everyday. sighs.. unhealthy food.. got to stop. 2moro chicken rice for brunch.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


im sorry.. bcos today i started blog late.

i left my hse at 5. i said bye bye to my room d. its my last weekend there. the next time is when i have my break. then i will drive down myself & stay there longer. hehe.. i will bring u too.=)
went my mama hse. & everyone got into the car. then we heading to KLIA.. at there we meet my daddy & sisters.
it is the 1st time GG is in the airport & flying.

after that the rest went back to my hse. & i got a stupid news from my sister. that the dog peed on my bed. what the... i got so dame frustrated. she said that the maid let the dog go bcos she's dame noisy. then..dunno how stupid it is. it can come up to my room. OH GOSH!! im so dame mad now.. my head is totally blowing off.. all i can think of is going back home! NOW!! dame.. what the hell is the maid doing? she's really getting too much. & its really getting on my nerves. the dog is making hell of a noise. so she just let go like that? without unreasonable answer how she manage get into my room?? so.. wait! wait..till i get really mad! i can be really nasty.. if i get really mad, i'll throw her out the hse then! dame.. wanna work, do proper job la. here we are treating her so nice d. yet no appreciation?? since u wanna go back so much, this december..get the hell out off here then! dont do such work till like this..

then.. when i get back. i just waiting to get down from the car. then i went into the hse 1st. there she was standing right in front of me. i put my bag down. & went upstairs.. & i asked her, what have u done to my bed??
&& what the... she just answer me nothing..& went to sleep. dame!
im really really piss off.. wait..till the morning comes. just see what i shall do to her.


Friday, March 20, 2009


i woke up at 1030. tonight dunno i can go back malacca or not. sobs.. mommy said i might not be going bcos no space. sobs.. i wanna go le. after this i dunno when i got time to go back. GG is flying on the saturday 9pm. i wanna go send her. but now..i dunno how le.
then in the morning jove told me, she's gonna drive today. so im also thinking about mine. when am i gonna start? i called the office lady. asked her for the uncle no. then i called him.. actually i wanna start today also. but he said cannot. today full d. so i told him monday lor.=)
i will drive safely k. dont worry darling. jove said dont langgar any souls. i told her see lor. good souls or bad ones. haha..

yeah.. i did went back malacca. my daddy's friend send us to pudu. bcos i daddy dont want to drive us there. he said at those hours. KL jam.. pudu. haizz.. i dont like that place. mommy also dont like. she also scare of the place there. so am i laa.. sighs..
we went there. trying to get ticket. but the earliest can get is 8pm or 9pm. aiyoo.. at that time its only 6. wanna wait so long at pudu meh? so scary.. then suddenly this one man come. he asked want go malacca ah? NOW!! NOW! 6.30 pushing off.. so we follow him. see the bus. then got up lor.
sitting in the bus so long.. for 4 hours. ouchh.. my bum bum also paining la. the bus go thru alor gajah toll. then to masjid tanah.. sg.undang.. klebang.. haizz.. satu malacca we go.. 10 something only reach. we were the last get up the bus but..the 1st get down! haha.. me 1st laa.. i cannot tahan sit so long d. & im hungry..
&& im starting driving on the sunday..=)


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

  • when i walk a way from you mad - *follow me
  • when i stare at your lips - *kiss me
  • when i push you or hit you - *grab me and don't let go
  • when i start cursing at you - *kiss me, and tell me you love me
  • when i'm quiet - *ask me what's wrong
  • when i ignore you - *give me your attention
  • when i pull away - *pull me back
  • when you see me at my worst - *tell me i'm beautiful
  • when you see me crying - *hold me and don't let go
  • when you see me walking - *sneak up and hug my waist from behind
  • when i'm scared - *protect me
  • when i lay my head on your shoulder - *tilt my head up and kiss me
  • when i steal your favourite shirt - *let me keep it and sleep with it
  • when i tease you - *tease me back and make me laugh
  • when i don't answer for a very long time - *reassure me that everything is okay
  • when i look at you with doubt - *back yourself up with the truth
  • when i say that i like you - *i really do more than you could understand
  • when i grab your hands - *hold mine and play with my fingers
  • when i tell you a secret - *keep it safe and untold
  • when i miss you - *i am hurting inside
  • when you break my heart - *the pain never really goes away
  • when i say it's over - *i still want you to be mine
  • stay on the phone with me even if i don't say anything
  • don't let me have the last word
  • say that you love me more than i could ever love you
  • argue that i am the best girl ever
  • when i'm mad, hug me tight and don't let go
  • when i say i'm okay, don't believe me and talk to me
  • when i say i'm sorry, i really mean it
  • call me at 12 am on my birthday to tell me you love me
  • call me before you sleep and after you wake up
  • treat me like i'm everything to you
  • watch my favourite movie or show with me even if you think it's stupid
  • give me the world
  • when i'm bored and sad, hang out with me
  • let me know i'm important to you
  • when i run up at you crying, the first thing you say is "who's ass am i kicking today baby?"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

better in time

i never expected this day. at 1st.. we took exams together. in the same school.. in the same class.. & also sitting not far away. just 5 steps away.
& today... we are taking results together. went to school together. & seeing the results together. side by side..
when i got my results im very glad that i didnt failed any. eventhough it is not as nice as it seems. but what had done is done. & 3 months had passed.. we cant change anything.
then u got ur results too. i know it is an unsatisfactory.
but i know u did the best..
& i know we see many ppl are getting better. look.. these are just grades. some ppl can get many A's but in the end dont succeed in life. whats & where is the point??

now.. we can do better. we will do better better more after this k. never give up.. the sky will be our limits.
dont ever let urself down or let others pull u down.. today is just SPM results. in future there will be many more challenges.

SPM results

nothing like this before..
i never felt nothing in the world like this before...

it is the day the results are out. um.. i got up in the morning. alarm at 7. but got up at 8. haha..
im so scare to see the results.. 3 months had passed. cant remember what i had written on the exam sheets. & here today..taking the results. sighs..
went to school. without parents.. felt so much better. but still was so worried..
it came out so late. hehe..
there i was standing beside the teacher. didnt expect she would give my results so fast. in a sudden.. & there it is the piece of paper of my results in my hand.

um.. ok la.
i thought i would had got worst. haha.. after that straight away went back home. um.. mom is at home. but dad is off to work. i showed her the results & she said ok la. =)
then she told me to call my daddy.. so i told him everything. he didnt said much & said ok too. =)
my darling.. so worried there. sobs.. i know how u feel. but we did our best ok. we sit for SPM for once only. do the best.. & here the results are out. um.. finally.. done with the results d. we move to the next stage now k.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

do it, do it

Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your posts and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses.

I would really appreciate you guys doing this.

1. How long have you known me?
2. When and how did we meet?
3. What was your first impression upon meeting / seeing me?
4. Did you like me at all?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. When's the last time you met / saw me?
7. What reminds you of me?
8. What is my best attribute?
9. Will I end up being successful in the future?
10. Do you think I can dance?
11. Am I misunderstood by many?
12. Have you ever had a crush on me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. What do I listen to the most?
15. Are you going to post this in your notes and see what I say about you?

the a's of mine

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own post, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Audrey

2. A four Letter Word: Ambitious

3. A boy's Name: Aaron

4. A girl's Name: Abby

5. An occupation: Accountant

6. A color: Amber

7. Something you'll wear: Accessories

8. A food: Asam pedas `lol xP

9. Something found in the bathroom: Aloe Vera Oil Hair Vitamin `lol thats the best i can come out with...cant think anymore

10. A place: Australia

11. A reason for being late: Another bad day

12. Something you'd shout: AARON! I LOVE YOU!

13. A movie title: Alvin and the Chipmunks

14. Something you drink: Apple Juice

15. A musical group: ABBA

16. An animal: Alligator

17. A street name: (Jalan) Alor `haha.. some jalan i used the net to find

18. A type of car: Audi

19. The title of a song: Away by Enrique Iglesias

20. Tag 10 people:


she comes walking like this, as though she is staying in heaven
she looks at everyone like this as though she is bearing everyone
but when she gets angry and starts showing her eyes
fighting she smiles by mistake
my heart goes mmmmmmmmm

when i speak to him, i feel as though he is gonna sleep
whenever he awakes from his sleep, looks like he is gonna cry
but when quitely he awakes me from his sleep
he embraces me in my arms and then he falls himself

yes she keeps saying no
yes she acts smart
yes she is a little stubborn
yes she is a little gone case with her brain
everyone comes she comes, if no one comes she goes
such twisted talks she troubles me with
before time she comes, she does not want to listen any excuse
but she looks at my paths everyday

yes in movies he cries
yes he sleeps with his mouth wide open
yes he is a little un good
yes he is worth getting beaten up
god knows wht he says, god knows wht he does
he climbs on the sofa and plays with the curtains
when u do a clean up of the house u feel ur in trouble
then when he gets tired and tries a relax

yes she is a little different
yes she is a little wrong

she will be like this i dint think like tht
he will be like this i dint think like tht
why do i feel he is my own
is this true or is it a dream
im scared that it mite turn out to be a lie

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Quiz: What’s Your Disaster IQ?

Your disaster IQ is Medium

You’re doing a good job, but you’ve got a little room for improvement. Everyone knows about fires in California or floods on the Mississippi, but disaster can strike anywhere. No matter where you live, you’re at risk for something. You’re in pretty good shape to survive an emergency, but there’s always more you can do to protect yourself. Make sure you stay informed about local conditions and confirm that your survival kit is up-to-date. Stay prepared and informed and we expect you’ll be sitting pretty no matter what comes at you.

Love Quotes

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Evening Is Redolent With Wine And Seduction
Body And Heart Are Molten
The Atmosphere Is Colorful And Addictive
Yet There Is A Restlessness
Why Does The Heart Beat So, Why Does It Say
The Crazy Lover Has No Idea As Yet
What's To Happen Tonight?
What Will Be Gained, What Will Be Lost?

Friday, March 6, 2009

I screwed up 54% of my teenage life lol!`xD

[] Gotten detention.
[] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[] Gotten suspended.
[] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[] Gotten caught cheating on a test.


[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.

Total : 4

[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.

Total : 7

[] Pulled down the Fire Alarm.
[x] Went on Myspace , Facebook , Xanga , etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took Pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during School hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class.

Total : 11

[] Threw something at the teacher
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a class.
[x] Ate food during class.

Total : 15

[] Gotten a call from school.
[] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.

Total : 16

[] Faked your parents signature .
[x] Slept in class.
[] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework

Total : 18


Then Repost this & put the Title as "I screwed up ___% of my teenage life"

what is now

um..what is life mean to us?

what is LOVE mean to us??

everyone has different opinion & perspective about it..its complicated...

no one can say right or wrong to it.

& just living by me...myself...
i had enough what everyone would think or trying to be..

so i will just be ME for now..

um..lately im doing a lot of quizzes. hehe.. its nice to know about urself. well..u should try. just answer truthfully. mostly the results are true. & eventhough u denied it..u never know its actually true about u. =) i had link it on my blog. wanna know about ur education? test urself..
so have fun taking the quizzes...

so fast its march already. long more results will be out. then everyone will start moving to their own directions.. time flies really fast. thats what i dont like. haha.. but what are we capable of? we can never stop nor paused time..
i really misses lots of things.. hehe..those good old times..

i will never matter what.. im a person who remember & remember.. sighs... thats why its hurting sometimes.

.im out of words..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quiz: What Are You Greedy For?


You've got butterflies in your stomach, you can't stop smiling, and you could swear that you're the luckiest person in the world. Sound familiar? It could only be one thing — love! And no matter how much you've got, it probably feels like you will never get enough, right? From smoldering crushes to even cuddlier dates, you're the kind of person who loves to want and feel wanted.

Money can't buy love, but that doesn't stop you from working to get it. Caring and affectionate, you know there's no such thing as too much. And while you might be a little sappy or sentimental now and again, there's no way anyone's going to fault you for having your heart in the right place. After all, you know what they say — the best way to get love is to give it. So go out there and get what you want!

Quiz: What’s Your Office Fashion Style?

Your office fashion style is Flirty

The fun-killers in your Human Resources department may say that flirting is inappropriate behavior in the workplace, but you know that you can still get your point across without even saying a word. You want your style to get you noticed by all the right people, right? Not management, silly, the really cute guys! While you are usually all business when it comes to actually getting work done, you know that having fun is also an important part of your day, and enjoy taking little breaks and making friends. Your personality is probably as charming as your outfits, and we bet you’re usually the life of the party. So keep it up!

Quiz: Could You Graduate From High School?

You’d graduate A Little Late

Uh oh, looks like somebody had better spend a little more time in study hall. We hate to say it, but don’t make any Ivy League plans any time soon. Looks like you’ve got a little study hall time to spend before you can graduate from high school. Too much time ditching class? A little concentration problem? Whatever the reason, you clearly have more exciting things to do than hit the books. Still, have you ever thought about going back to school? You might have a little fun, you know!

Quiz: Could You Pass 5th Grade?


You did so well you might actually be in 5th grade right now! Or are you a 5th grade teacher? Either way, you've definitely got what it takes to make the grade in the classroom — and beyond! Book smart and motivated, you're probably the type to make sure you're always on time for class or work (or even that hot date!), and can't wait to read the new book that everyone's been talking about.

That's not to say you're a brown-noser. Not even close. You just love to know stuff — whether it's relevant or not. Who cares if you'll never have to know that a dolphin sleeps with one eye open or that a sneeze can travel at over 100 miles per hour. So if you don't mind, can we copy your test answers from now on?

100 ME

1. Last beverage→ vitagen
2. Last phone calljoveen
3. Last text message→ joveen
4. Last song you listened to → over you by daughtry
5. Last time you cried→ recently

1. Dated someone twice → Nope
2. Been cheated on?→ Yup
3. Kissed someone?→ Yup
4. Lost someone special?→ Yeah
5. Been depressed?→ Yes definitely
6. Been drunk and threw up? → Never Drunk

1. Blue
2. Red
3. Green
4. Black and White

1. Made new friends → Yes
2. Fallen out of love → Perhaps
3. Laughed until you cried → Yes, not till i cry
4. Met someone who changed you→ Yeah
5. Found out who your true friends were → Yeah
6. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes..
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → NOPE
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → MANY
9. How many kids do you want to have→ 2 or 3
10. Do you have any pets → YEAH
11. Do you want to change your name→ Nope
12. What did you do for your last birthday → received a special gift..
13. What time did you wake up today → 1105AM
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → online..doing quizzes
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for --> my license.. a car
16. Last time you saw your father→ seeing him now
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → turn back time..
18. What are you listening to right now → how could an angel break my heart by toni braxton and babyface
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → No
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Nothing
24. Most visited webpage → Facebook and Hotmail

1. What's your name→ Audrey
2. Nicknames→ Ling
3. Relationship Status → Single :)
4. Zodiac sign→ Leo
5. Male or female or transgendered→ female
6. Primary→ Convent Infant Jesus(1), SKSS
7. Middle School → SMK USJ4
8. High school → SMK USJ4
10. Hair color → Black and dark browns?
11. Long or short → Long
16. Height → dunno..
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → none
18: What do you like about yourself? → caring..& friendly
19. Piercings → none
20. Tattoos → Never!
21. Righty or lefty → Righty

22. First surgery → None
23. First piercing → no piercing
24. First best friends → jove..hehe =)
26. First sport you joined → netball
27. First pet → doggie
28. First vacation→ dun remember...been to too many places
29. First concert → Never been to a concert
30. First crush → haha..we go way back! i dun remember...

49. Eating → just eaten dinner
50. Drinking → nothing
51. Already missing - myself...
52. I'm about to → do more quizzes
53. Listening to → miss you by aaliyah
55. Waiting for → jove come online...

58. Want kids? → OF COURSE!
59. Want to get married? → perhaps so??
60. Careers in mind? → business

68. Lips or eyes → Eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
70. Shorter or taller → either la..i dun mind
71. Older or Younger → close enough to my age...not too old..young nvm xP
72. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
74. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
75. Hook-up or relationship → Depends
77. Trouble maker or hesitant→ neither one

78. Kissed a stranger → NOPE
79. Drank hard liquor → Never
80. Lost Glasses/contacts - I don't need those
81. Had sex on 1st date - HELL..NO!
82. Broken someone's heart → Yeah
83. Had your own heart broken → Yes
85. Been arrested → Not Yet
86. Turned someone down → Yes
87. Cried when someone died → Yes
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → NO!

89. Yourself → Sometimes
90. Miracles → waiting for one
91. Love at first sight → maybe?
92. Heaven → yeah
93. Santa Clause → No
95. Kiss on the first date? → No
96. Angels → Yes

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → nope
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → nope
100. Posting this as 100 ME? → Yeah