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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

in the mood

let continue..
im so happy 2day. until there is so much to say. hehe..
all this i wish to pour everything to him but i just dunno where go wrong.
he came in the class. just sat there. said nothing to me. until i talk to him.
i asked where did u go. toilet. um.. that is all.
um.. i dunno whats the matter.
maybe he dont wants to talk. ok. nevermind. i just sat by myself then.
lately also i been lonely.
but anyways im used to it.
bcos since he is here it has been much better. i got him. all this while i had no one.
so i very happy to have him.
1st period..add maths.
did some new chapter with complicating graph thingy. so ma fan. haha..
so i just simply draw draw.
then wanna count. finding for calculator. sighs.. not in my bag.
i dont remember seeing it at home. & i dont remember using it at home. i know monday i brought. yesterday too i brought. bcos yesterday too we had add maths. & i remember i did some counting.
but now i dunno where is my calculator. dame.. well..u know i never like losing my things. even a single eraser only i go on looking whole day on the floor. haha..
& if i dont find what im missing. i will never be peaceful. bad habit of me. haizz.. what to do.
i asked him weather is it with him. i asked him did i brought my calculator yesterday. um.. did i left it in class yesterday.
haizz.. i still cant recall where i left it. so got some 50cents & call home. mummy.. hehe.. she answered. so i asked her is my calculator at home. on the table or on my table. she said dont have wo. only have the one with my sis name. then thats not mine at all.
um.. so fine.. hung up. & that public phone eat my 50cents. sighs.. bad bad..
walking back to class i kept thinking.. & thinking..
pn.L is already in the class. i knocked & came in. & still keep thinking about my calculator. its accounts & definitely we need a calculator. i got to borrow calculator then. um.. if anything i always find him 1st. this time not i want to reject him. not that i dont want to borrow from him. its bcos his calculator will make me keep thinking about mine.
sighs.. i hope i didnt upset u k. i didnt intent to reject u or put u aside or anything k.
so im struggling to do work there without thinking about my calculator.
well.. at certain time i can. but at certain time i cant. i just keep thinking about it.
until recess.. most of them went out d. so i stay in the class a little more longer. to see under the tables. & i go thru some calculator. there are not mine at all. so i almost gave up finding it in the class d.
then.. i go back to him. um.. he wanted to pass me a calculator. i dunno he wanted to give me or borrow me or what. but i thought that could be mine. but i dont dare to see it myself d. so i told him to slide the cover.
it was my name there. hehe.. im so happy.. =)
but he seem sad sad. haizz.. dont be sad sad. im not upset or angry or anything. im happy that found it already.
i dont mind the calculator is with who or who. as long i get it back. im very happy already.
then we go down for recess. im so happy.. so talked all the way. talking.. & talking..about morning & everything. but he just keep silent only. like he dont want to hear. um.. after little while i just stop talking.
i asked him weather wanna go eat or not. bcos i dont want him hungry hungry later. dont want also. um.. nevermind lor.
um.. recess also i never talk much with him. i just went to jo with her friends. talked a few words. then.. nothing to say d. went up back to class. there also we didnt talk much. sighs..
i dunno why. i was so happy 2day. thought i could tell him everything what i do & how i feel 2day. but.. its just like that then.

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