Lyrics Quote Graphics

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

◘ Starting time:
Ω 0950am
◘ Name:
Ω Audrey
◘ Sister/s
Ω 2
◘ brother/s
Ω none
◘ Shoe size:
Ω 5
◘ What are you wearing right now?
Ω clothes?
◘ Where do you live?
Ω usj
◘ Favorite Numbers:
Ω 2, 8
◘ Favorite Drinks
Ω juice
◘ Favorite Months:
Ω i dunno
◘Favorite Breakfast:
Ω rarely taking b'fast
------ Have You Ever ------
◘ Been in a bath tub:
Ω yes..i like it
◘ Swam in the ocean:
Ω yes
◘ Broken someone's heart:
Ω maybe
◘ Fell off your chair
Ω when i was young
◘ Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
Ω yeas..
◘ Saved e-mails:
Ω i just delete them
------ What is ------
◘ Your room like:
Ω no room is my room
◘ What is the last thing you ate:
Ω roti bom
------ Ever Had ------
◘ Chicken pox:
Ω yes
◘ Sore throat
Ω yes..dame i really hate it
◘ Stitches:
Ω no way
◘Broken nose:
Ω no.
------- Do You ------
◘ Believe in love at first sight?
Ω does it really happen?
------ Who ------
◘ Who was the last person you danced with?
Ω haha..cant remember
------ Final Questions ------
◘ What are you listening to right now?
Ω love story - taylor swift
◘ What did you do today?
Ω just woke up
◘ hate someone in your family?
Ω no
◘ Diamond or pearl?
Ω diamand
◘ Indoors or outdoors?
Ω indoors
------ Today did you ------
◘ Talk to someone you love?
Ω have not
◘ Kiss anyone?
Ω nope
◘ Get sick?
Ω no
◘ Talked to an ex:
Ω no..
◘ Miss someone:
Ω i miss u
------- Last person who ------
◘ You talked to on the phone?
Ω u
------ Random ------
◘ Have a crush on someone?
Ω no one
◘ What's under your bed?
Ω the floor?
◘ Favorite locations?
Ω no where
◘ Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't like?
Ω nope
◘ Who do you really hate right now?
Ω no one la
◘ Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?
Ω nope
◘ You lonely right now?
Ω yeah i am
◘ What time is it now?
Ω 1006am

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