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Monday, April 6, 2009


today..monday =) had driving lesson like last week. hehe..
my naik bukit, parking, three point turn is so much better today.. im so happy... i did the QTI test. different instructor sat in the car. & different car... but still the kancil la. only org lain punya la. driving that car is so different. i meant the! i drive worst than i had driven before. haha.. uncle cheng car i can smoothly drive but the other car adui...old keras the clutch & the accelerator. & the dirty. like im in a desert when im in the car only.
on the way back, we had roti canai. biasa la..the uncle will bring me go for breakfast before going back. but this time i paid..=)

so i asked the uncle. JPJ test im driving other car is it? he said yes..but he said dont worry la. for JPJ test all new car like his. umm..i told him. i dunno la.. i so scared. if kena car like the one i drive for the QTI test, i will cry laa.. i told him, uncle can borrow ur car for the JPJ test ah?? hehe.. he laughed...
then when i came back home.. took shower. then i tidy up my table. haha.. dunnooo what got into me today..suddenly got the mood to do so. mom asked what happen to my box? the box under my table. actually its already koyak long time already. only i lazy to! so pack pack everything already. satisfied... nap time...

2moro im having my 1st principle of accounting class..9am - 1pm 4hrs... looking forward for it.=)


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