Lyrics Quote Graphics

Sunday, April 5, 2009


4/5/09 - my class starts at 1pm. so can sleep longer lor. hehe.. i woke up at 10. shower & get dress everything ready by 11. came down..dunno what to do. sat in front the comp & i did the tutorial question. but the internet connection is down. so i didnt send to my member. just print it out & bring to coll.
about 12 plus mom send me to coll. i asked her to stop by shell station to buy chocolate. hehe.. so that i could munch something later. i bought chocolate & bread. ate bread in the car..thats my breakfast today.

Business Finance...
today.. we learn to use the calculator. its like magic. hehe.. just key in the data & u will get the figures u want.=)
at 1st thinking about the cost of the calculator..its expensive. 100++ close to 200 d. but when we start using the calculator, its worth laa.. save all the trouble counting the longg way. anyways, once in a life time thing la most of the working students! funny la seeing them using the calculator.. for me, the calculator usage still fresh. a few months ago baru left school. for them working..karat already. haha..


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