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Friday, April 3, 2009


i was watching armageddon.. its a sad touching romance story.. an asteroid of the size of texas is headed for earth. a few astronauts of the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside. the asteroid will be hitting the earth in 18 days. the only man to do it, is an old driller (bruce willis) and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. he has a daughter (liv tyler) who falls in love with (ben affleck) the overager fiancee of bruce willis who also one of the astronauts including her father is going out of space.
almost to the end of the story. when their bomb equipment is spoil by the crashing of the asteroid. they have to manual set off the bomb. so someone have to stay back to press the button.. of cos everyone wanna live. so they lucky pick who have to stay back. it is his daughter's fiancee. then he send him off but in the end...bruce willis pushed him back & sacrifice himself. sighs.. so sad...
he wish that he could walk down the aisle of his daughter's wedding but he had to sacrifice for the happiness of his daughter & the earth. he told her to take care of her fiancee. & that he'll be looking over her.
aiyoo.. so sad ending.. sobs...
at times watching movies i sometimes imagine myself into it. what if it happens to me.. sighs.. no one can predict the future.. so live ur life to the fullest...


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