Lyrics Quote Graphics

Monday, April 6, 2009


today..monday =) had driving lesson like last week. hehe..
my naik bukit, parking, three point turn is so much better today.. im so happy... i did the QTI test. different instructor sat in the car. & different car... but still the kancil la. only org lain punya la. driving that car is so different. i meant the! i drive worst than i had driven before. haha.. uncle cheng car i can smoothly drive but the other car adui...old keras the clutch & the accelerator. & the dirty. like im in a desert when im in the car only.
on the way back, we had roti canai. biasa la..the uncle will bring me go for breakfast before going back. but this time i paid..=)

so i asked the uncle. JPJ test im driving other car is it? he said yes..but he said dont worry la. for JPJ test all new car like his. umm..i told him. i dunno la.. i so scared. if kena car like the one i drive for the QTI test, i will cry laa.. i told him, uncle can borrow ur car for the JPJ test ah?? hehe.. he laughed...
then when i came back home.. took shower. then i tidy up my table. haha.. dunnooo what got into me today..suddenly got the mood to do so. mom asked what happen to my box? the box under my table. actually its already koyak long time already. only i lazy to! so pack pack everything already. satisfied... nap time...

2moro im having my 1st principle of accounting class..9am - 1pm 4hrs... looking forward for it.=)


Sunday, April 5, 2009


4/5/09 - my class starts at 1pm. so can sleep longer lor. hehe.. i woke up at 10. shower & get dress everything ready by 11. came down..dunno what to do. sat in front the comp & i did the tutorial question. but the internet connection is down. so i didnt send to my member. just print it out & bring to coll.
about 12 plus mom send me to coll. i asked her to stop by shell station to buy chocolate. hehe.. so that i could munch something later. i bought chocolate & bread. ate bread in the car..thats my breakfast today.

Business Finance...
today.. we learn to use the calculator. its like magic. hehe.. just key in the data & u will get the figures u want.=)
at 1st thinking about the cost of the calculator..its expensive. 100++ close to 200 d. but when we start using the calculator, its worth laa.. save all the trouble counting the longg way. anyways, once in a life time thing la most of the working students! funny la seeing them using the calculator.. for me, the calculator usage still fresh. a few months ago baru left school. for them working..karat already. haha..


Saturday, April 4, 2009


4/4/09 - went to college as usual. in the morning.. haizz.. dad kinda mad la bcos mom so slow. sobs.. we left hse at 8.30am.. almost late for coll d. usually have to leave latest by 8.15am. he drove so! when i reach, when i walked into the dewan, the lecturer is there already. but he havent started.. so ok laa..
after that my sis & dad going back malacca bcos sunday morning got prayers. me, mom not going back. bcos i'll have class on sunday. & esther too didnt go back. haha.. i dunno why.

1st lesson, Business Law...
then the lecturer assign us tutorial work. our 1st homework. hehe.. have to do in groups of 3 or 4. 1 is not a group. kinda bored laa the lecturing. but i have to complete my modules. aka rules..are meant to be broken?? haha..
actually in some way, i do like law. once before i had a thought of taking up law. but law..there's so many point to view it.. so it's very luan... hehe.. but to argue the matter is nice.=)
so before i went out for lunch just simply make a group lor. 4 of us. i had mcd for lunch. havent ate mcd so quite some time already.=)

2nd lesson, Pendidikan Moral...
this time we had it in a smaller room. but wow..its full than last week. noisy too. out of no where, the lecturer i married?? LOL!! this age? haha.. longgg way more to go laaa..

4.30pm..finish mom came & fetch. went back home. sleepppp... hehe.. tired.
at night went out to eat chicken rice..


Friday, April 3, 2009


i was watching armageddon.. its a sad touching romance story.. an asteroid of the size of texas is headed for earth. a few astronauts of the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside. the asteroid will be hitting the earth in 18 days. the only man to do it, is an old driller (bruce willis) and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. he has a daughter (liv tyler) who falls in love with (ben affleck) the overager fiancee of bruce willis who also one of the astronauts including her father is going out of space.
almost to the end of the story. when their bomb equipment is spoil by the crashing of the asteroid. they have to manual set off the bomb. so someone have to stay back to press the button.. of cos everyone wanna live. so they lucky pick who have to stay back. it is his daughter's fiancee. then he send him off but in the end...bruce willis pushed him back & sacrifice himself. sighs.. so sad...
he wish that he could walk down the aisle of his daughter's wedding but he had to sacrifice for the happiness of his daughter & the earth. he told her to take care of her fiancee. & that he'll be looking over her.
aiyoo.. so sad ending.. sobs...
at times watching movies i sometimes imagine myself into it. what if it happens to me.. sighs.. no one can predict the future.. so live ur life to the fullest...


Thursday, April 2, 2009

I am but I am

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
'cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
'cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
'cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
'cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
'cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxi cab


today.. mom didnt cook dinner. we went outside for dinner. i had dinner at ss19. & guess who we met there.. Pn.Ghwee =)
so we talk talk little while lor. haha.. i still remember when we were in school. when i see her i usually avoid her. bcos she always nagged me about my! cut somemore.. cut somemore...thats what she will always say to me. but now, since we are out of school. she's so friendly.. umm.. actually she's very nice wan. just that in school the teachers got to be strict a bit la. later students will say the teachers are pilih kasih..or buyers.. so have to treat everyone fair & square..

when she saw me also she remembered me. hehe.. she asked me when free help her do typing, setting questions for her. umm.. ok laa.. im quite free also so far la. so see la.. i'll go & help her once in a while lor when i dont have classes. she asked me what am i doing now & stuffs..
we talked quiet long also. until the food came. then i told her we talk somemore other times..

so fast le this flies.. haizz.. in december we are taking SPM.. last day of our papers & everything. then new year.. came 2009! february, valentines day..=) march..SPM results are out. then now we are all starting college life. umm..everyone is going on their separate directions. this year 17 going on 18... then comes 19.. sooner or later we'll be in 20's & working... its really really fast...


Wednesday, April 1, 2009