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Thursday, February 19, 2009

i hatee..u 41!

in the morning i woke up at 7. shower..& get ready.
come down & just wait for time to past..
i didnt took anything also..
then when its time..left hse & went usj2.
waited till they fetch us to take the exam..its at ss15

& got 41.. dame..

i hate the no.41 now. lol!
giving me nightmares..
now i have to retake bcos fail by 1 question..sobs..

came back & ate maggi. come online & put up a stupid post about a stupid day of stupid 41!!
then i go take nap..

so hard to sleep. my darling put me to sleep.. hehe.. thank you..
slept at 2 then while i was was raining heavily..
thunders & scary..
i just sleep tired & disappointed today somemore..sobs..

woke up at 5. dinner at 7. then i did read back the undang book..dame..
i saw some of my wrong answers..
if i had correct atleast ONE of it i wont need to retake.dame..

i feel like tearing to book too lor..haha..
but my darling said...i cant do that..
yeah..hehe..he knows me. i dont tear book lor..
but aiyooo..really geram la.haha..

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