Lyrics Quote Graphics

Friday, June 20, 2008


5 more days to ur b'day. sighs.. im quiet sad bcos i wont be around.
anyways hope u will have a nice day. so far i have only went with u for ur b'day once.
but none of my b'day u are around. its ok.
just hope u enjoy ur day.

the one

he says he is the only one in my life who does not give me problem.
well.. this person..
we known each other since we are form1. 1st look at him he was familiar to me. like a friend of mine during primary. anyways it cannot be him.
we have been close friends since then until today. um.. i do argee that he is the only one in my life who does not give me problem.
thru ups & downs he is always there. he might not be that alert type. sometimes blur. at times he does not get what u are saying. reading is always what he does. but atleast he is caring. he is there for me. someone i can rely on.
in my sad days he knows im down he sees my sadness. when im in pain he knew im in pain. no matter how he still tries to put a smile on me. & makes me laugh.
when we were form1. i did had a little feels for him. but anyways that is just little ones. & i didnt expect more. im very happy that he is there in my life. i really thankful to u.
im really really happy to have u M. thx.. hugs..


Monday, June 16, 2008


not much to blog on 2day. bcos of this dum dum head is so pain. dame..
all bcos the weather is so dame hot la. sighs.. bad bad weather. make me not feeling well d la. so weak. ish.. no good la u weather. i dont like u.
um.. until here for 2day. hoping to get better soon. then i could write more more. bye.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

just me

haizz.. im just really tired of myself. basically most of the time i dont understand myself.
i see many people around me. but i couldnt feel any. sometimes i also dunno do i really have that someone in me.
life.. life..
so confusing. so miserable. happiness?
happiness will never last. at this time u might be happy by maybe an hour later or 2moro the whole situation could totally change the other way round. sighs.. therefore never a smile or happiness could last.
anyways im just thinking that im just by passing life. im just happy to see happy faces around me. it doesnt matter im happy or not. im happy that u are happy. so be happy.. =)
well thats about me.


muax.. always for u k.
um.. 1st of all. what u said just now really upset me k. why must u say until like that?
haizz.. im always missing u. always thinking of u. eventhough my messages are not there k.
feeling are just not shown with or in words everytime. it actually cannot be seen. it can only be felt. i hope u understand what im trying to say here k.
i know its been tough there for u. all this while. all this time. with mom. but its not easy here for me too. SPM!! dame..
i just dunno what to do with my results. hopeless..
maybe im really a hopeless one. sighs..


Why Malaysian Government insists on using English for Maths and Science?

This is because the whole world uses the language as an information and/or technology language. How dangerous it will be if we try to use Bahasa, especially in school. See example below:-

Hardware = barangkeras
Software = baranglembut
Joystick = batang gembira
Plug and Play = cucuk dan main
Port = lubang
Server = pelayan
Client = pelanggan

Try to translate this:


That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.

Now in BAHASA:

Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.

Now you know...WHY...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

painful dinner

i told mom not to cook dinner. im bored eating rice everyday. so thought wanna go take dinner at ss19. i miss eating the western there. i went twice there before & it didnt open. sighs.. its been quite some time i didnt eat there d.
anyways didnt go there just now bcos dont have much time. sis have tuition at 8. so took dinner at alam megah. um.. i order mi goreng. with orange juice. my favourite juice. hehe..
as i was eating ... biting then suddenly i bite something with a loud sound. ouch.. my teeth pain. sobs.. my sis heard it too. & she looked at me.
i dunno what is it anyways. i was so worried i lost my teeth or something. sobs.. haha.. i came back home & check my teeth. nothing lost. luckily. so scary.

add maths

the most stress is add maths. haizz.. everyone is being pressure by pn.A
so we practically get used to her d. each & everytime she gives back papers she gonna start nagging. so get well prepared. haha.. & always the same thing she will tell us is drop add maths. dame..
she never miss that. everytime she says that. she said that bcos she dont want our results cacat & bla..bla..bla.. but the real thing is she wants to jaga her standart. not bcos she care of our results.
um.. why am i talking so much of her? haha.. lets go on.
those who are in my class will know more about her. i have nothing much to say d. so thats about it.

wednesday the 11th

what about today? um..
things are better 2day. it did not started very well 2day. but in the end it did turn back good.
in the morning i did not talked to anyone. just sitting there by myself. until i saw jo. so i waited for her. & talk a little with her. her days too had not been good lately.
results.. sighs.. bad thing. monthly exams normally results are quite stable. then when come to mid year & final year it comes ups & downs.
sighs.. everyone are so disturbed. SPM!!
recess time too i did not talked much to anyone. just went down & asked u how are u? nothing. are u ok? ya. im ok. then i just sat & keep quiet. u keep quiet. i know there is something bothering. so i asked again. anything u want to tell me? nothing. then why are u like that? um.. the reply i got is ; why? why cannot like that is it?
haizz.. miserable day. then i just got up & went to toilet. & did not came back there.
back to class. i just kept quiet again. nothing much been said then. but i felt hungry. um.. bcos i did not eat during recess. time passes really fast. & its the last period. i receive a card with words. & it makes me smile. then things got better. the bright side of 2day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

tuesday the 10th

haizz.. morning felt so sleepy going to school. got up late. went to school. half asleep. half awake.
weather was nice. windy & cooling. it was very strong wind. then it started raining. so nice. cooling.
um.. everyone was moody today. dunno why. maybe we are getting back our results & ...bad bad. very bad. haizz.. after holiday since yesterday it has been gloomy.
the whole day felt so moody. felt sleepy. but cant sleep. felt hungry. but i had no mood too eat. anyways just took something light during recess.
came back from school just drop dead on the bed & sleep. tuition.. um.. at 4. went there. just waiting for it to over soon. anyways time did pass really fast. it is already 6.
came back home. but got to mood for dinner. & again tuition at 8. sighs.. tuition days. really tired.
but during holidays it is boring. um.. i just dunno what to expect from life. so funny. & i never could understand it.


what are u pulling out of all of this? now u are telling me mom playing? what is next? this is all just acting? we are all fooling around? are u alright? or is it im not alright?
u are getting this on me again is it? turn over u are telling me? i wanted to do so. but u change everything.
im not hearing or taking another word from u. u want to turn over a new one? um.. i cant do that anymore. & i wont do.
maybe time will do it. but not me. i dont want to be fool by u again & again.. & again..
maybe u could try to fool with the time. but not me anymore.

Monday, June 9, 2008


my thoughts of u were never wrong. i thought i could trust u & turn over a new leaf for u. but u turn my thoughts all wrong. i should never felt for u.
ur words are cannot be taken. what u say & what u do are total opposites. i had enough of all of this. u did once told me it was just for show. but.. i couldn't take another word from u. i had enough.
in front of me u were all apologize but at the back of me this is the real u. i will never be fool by u another time. i had fall many many times & it is the last. no more..

Sunday, June 8, 2008

last 30mins

um.. finally going back to school 2moro. sighs.. feel so lazy. just feel like staying at home all the time. but at times feel bored too at home. haizz..
this is the last 30mins of my holidays. hope everything goes smooth back to school.
good nights. & sweet dreams to everyone. looking forward for a nice day 2moro.

Friday, June 6, 2008


hey those who u who view my blog..
here is a wonderful song i want to share with all of u
dont forget to hear it k. im sure u will love it

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

shining stars

the night is full with stars. it is so beautiful. i could simply look at the sky all the time. it makes me feel calm. & makes me smile.
looking at the stars makes me think back the time when i was on the beach. that night was wonderful. looking at the stars & walking along the beach. i always like staying near the beach. the sound of the waves. the wind. um.. the best place in my life.
this reminds me at pangkor 2005. those times will never be forgotten. that christmas eve. sitting by the beach. watching people fishing. & just dream as i look at stars.
memories.. memories.. memories which i will never forget.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

my angel

to all the angel in my life..
i really thanks all of u. u been by my side all this while. im sorry if my actions or my moves brings u down. i know it did. there are many who advise me by me side hold on to me. but i did not take ur words. im sorry.
i know all this are my fault too. all this would never been worst if i listen to u. im too soft. i know i seem tough on the outside. but the inside me is very soft. many things i would have just say it. but nothing that i meant seriously or i would do it.
that is why many has been taking advantages. im no one to punish those of u. but let me tell u. what goes around comes around. eventhough i kept silent but this heart of mine would never forgive u. never..


i will never forgive myself. meeting u in my life was the worst of my life. i gave so much to u. in the end this is what i deserve? play is what u have been saying. do i? i was serious with u. i would never be with someone i dont love k. dont u ever get it into that skull of urs?
i never see this would end like this. i should had let u go when u wanted to go. why am i such a fool? a big fool to myself. i didnt not let u go bcos i was really with u. dont u ever get it? u dont.
all u got to say is i play. haizz..
& now u are saying i worth millions to u? bullshit..
im really had enough of ur words. enough.. just keep ur words to urself.
im really tired of all this. cant u see? what else do u want from me? u took everything there is. what have u not taken? my life? is that what u want then? take it..
pls..get out of my life. i never meant anything to u before. never..not a bit.
so get on with ur life. leave me alone..