Lyrics Quote Graphics

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Love Quotes

not easy

loving someone is never easy..
sighs.. i dunno why.
maybe what i thought all this while is right.
happiness just wont last.

im really really restless.. i dunno what i do wrong.
why all of us deserve all this.
i just have no words anymore.
i really dunno what to do anymore.
this time i really give up. everything that i do seems wrong.
im not doing all this to entertain myself or whatever. or to just laugh at another one.
or to insult.
NO! i side no one too. all i ever wanted is everyone is at peace.
but i just wont happen.

Love Quotes

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yeah Yeah

2day sejarah paper was fine. this time doing the sejarah paper is the most ok wan. hehe..
um.. my dum dum sitting next to me. watching him doing the paper. so funny.
think.. think.. then.. i see him lying down d. hehe..
i was happy. this sejarah paper i answer the most one.
previously sejarah papers many blanks. this time only about 4 empty ones.
when the paper is over. so happy..
um.. he complaining pants cannot pull down d. =)
so funny.. my dum dum put on weight d. hehe.. good good.
then we were discussing some paper. sighs.. i answers some wrong answers. he said yeah..yeah.. hehe.. so funny.. so naughty la. =)
im very happy seeing him happy. seeing him laughing. so nice..

Love Graphics

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


2day is 4months 1day d.
2moro will be me 17years 1month old.
& sejarah paper 2moro.. sighs.. im so luan la now. revising sejarah. so much to read. haizz..
anyways i was quite happy yesterday & 2day bcos what i suspected to come out for komsas & literature came out. =)
but 2moro.. nothing to say la.
GOD bless us all in sejarah 2moro. hehe..

Thursday, September 4, 2008


um.. beggining of another new month.
havent been posting lately. here the 1st for this month.
lately been studying a lot. what to do? SPM!!
sighs.. havent been going school also.
2moro only got paper.
umm.. yesterday.. hehe..
huggy day. yep. =)
everyday study alone at home cannot tahan d la. need someone.
my darlingg.. miss him so much le.
so yesterday called him over.
um.. darlingg.. im sorry. dont think that way ok. mwahh..
huggies.. he's so warm. hehe.. we will always remember the day.
after that we study study. but he didnt study much le. dunno why? not concentrating la. haizz.. bad bad boy. hehe..
ok. i dunno what to say d. sighs..
no words for blogs lately. so sorry.
im just too busy busy study & concentrating physics, chemistry until blur blur la. hehe..
anyways im just praying hard that whatever im putting every effort now turns out good later la.
& too everyone all the best in every exam ahead of us. study study.